Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Functional Writing Ideas!

Since we are answering a functional writing question asking you to nominate a person of the year, he is a link to some real life stories to give you inspiration!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Merchant of Venice Revision!

For Second Years who have just read The Merchant of Venice and Third Years who are currently revising their studied drama, Here is a link to some useful study aids and videos. Check out the revison notes first and then attempt the test to check your knowledge!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Media Savvy: All About Ads!

We have examined advertising in class as part of our Media Studies throughout the year. This powerpoint on ( provides a good re-cap on the topics studied in class. This is a nice revision tool for both Summer tests and the Junior Certificate. Advertising is a popular question in the Media section of the Junior Cert paper, so get studying!

Poetry Revision!

Calling all Third Years busy studying for the upcoming exams!... Here is a link to some helpful study resources for Poetry. A reading of each poem, along with notes on the theme, language etc is provided on Just click on this link ( and then begin the study of your chosen poem. Happy studying!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Calling All Poets!

Do you love to write poetry? Do you have a way with words?... If so, this year's Teaching English magazine, ‘Write a Poem’ competition is for you! There are two categories: Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle. Below are the full details of the competition. 
Have a look at past prize winners since the inception of the competition on English website and select the Modern Languages section.

2012 Teaching English 'Write a Poem' Competiton
Rules of the Competition
Each entrant may submit one poem.
Each entry must be typed or written clearly in legible handwriting
Each entry must contain:       
                                                The Title of the Poem.
The Name of the Entrant.
The Name and Address of the School.
The Category.
Each entry must be stamped by the school or signed by an English Teacher.

Where an entry is modelled on, or written in response to, a poem, the name of the poem and the poet must be clearly stated on the entry and, where possible, a copy of the original poem should be enclosed.  

The competition is aimed at individual writers.  Class sets of poems will not be considered for the competition. 

All entries must be sent to Esther Herlihy, English Administrator, PDST, Navan Education Centre, Athlumney, Navan, Co. Meath.

Please note that entrants should keep a copy of their poems, as no poems will be returned.

Prizes: For the Writers

The winning poets in each section will receive a cash prize, a commemorative plaque and their poem will be printed in the Winter 2012 issue of the Teaching English Magazine. 
Prizes will be presented at an award ceremony organised in association with Laois Education Centre and Poetry Ireland.  

Closing Date: 30th March 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Merchant of Venice Famous Speeches

In anticipation of our trip to see The Merchant of Venice in The Helix, D.C.U on Monday, here are two famous speeches from the play. We have studied Shylock's Revenge or Equality Speech and Portia's Quality of Mercy Speech in class. In the Wordles below the most common words in each speech are largest. Have a look at the speeches below (Click on each picture to enlarge) and remind yourself of
Shakespeare's great writing! 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

War Poetry: Dulce et Decorum Est

Third year students have been studying Wilfred Owen's war poem Dulce et Decorum Est. Follow this link here on You will find an interesting lesson, which examines the themes, tone and language in the poem.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Quiz Time!

Check out these links to some quizzes on The Merchant of Venice and test yourself!... You can practice them over Christmas so you don't forget the play !!
Quotes Quiz

Quiz on Shylock's Equality Speech

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Body Language Secrets!

In Communications class we have learned how important body language is in communication. Check out this video on communicationns which analyses the body language of people in the public eye. This video shows the secrets of body language.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Shakespeare Savvy!

If you want to learn more about Shakespeare click here. This video shows The Globe Theatre, as well as information about Shakespeare's early life and education. It also gives you an idea of the time in which Shakespeare wrote his famous plays.

What a Wordsmith!

The Oxford English Dictionary records more than 1,000 examples of words that were either coined by Shakespeare or were first used by him in his plays and poems... pretty impressive! Click on the image to see the words in full.

Friday, November 11, 2011

To Coin a Phrase!

Would you believe many of the phrases we use today began life in Shakespeare's work. We use many of these phrases everyday, without realising they came from the great writer, William Shakespeare!... Click on the picture above to see all the phrases in full.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Struggling with Shakespeare?

If you are finding Shakespeare's langauge or works difficult, Here is a link to No Fear Shakespeare. This translates some of Shakespeare's most famous plays into modern, everyday language!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Wild Swans at Coole, W.B. Yeats

Here is an interesting podcast discussing 'The Wild Swans at Coole'. It includes a reading of the poem and details some of the political and personal events in Yeats' life and Ireland at the time the poem was written. This is an interesting talk that will help you to understand the meaning behind the poem.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Language of Persuasion

We encounter the language of persuasion around us every day, from advertisements to politician's speeches. The language of persuasion appeals to our emotions, unlike the language of argument, which appeals to our logic and reason.
One of the most powerful, modern orators (public speaker) is the American President, Barack Obama. Below I have posted the video of Barack Obama's Dublin Speech. There is also a link to the full text of the speech here. Obama uses a variety of persuasive technqiues, including humour, triadic pattern (list of three) and repetition, to name but a few. Check out the video below and see how many persuasive langauge techniques you can identify!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Poetry Revision

If you are a bit rusty on your poetry terms after the long holidays, have a listen to these podcasts on  The Patterns of Poetry on the SCC Blog. These are short, interesting and informative audioboos, which re-cap on the important poetry terms. These podcasts are particularly good for Leaving Cert. students, so get listening!

Check this Out!

Check out this award winning blog by Saint Columba's College in Dublin here. There are lots of interesting articles and links to keep an eye on and lots of topics to help you with your English course.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Short Story Writing

Writing a short story can be a challenging task.

Here is an interesting video to help you remember the important elements to include when writing a short story! Good luck with your writing!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Welcome to this English Blog, where you will find lots of interesting information, videos and links relating to topics you will be covering in your English class.
Take the time to look at all the posts and tabs. I am sure you will be informed and entertained by what you find!... Enjoy!